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ZELLER, Martin


Martin Zeller was born in 1961 in Mannheim, Germany, and studied communications design at the College of Design in Darmstadt. He was awarded the European Photography Award for his first art project (412 - 432, 1990). In 1993, Zeller moved to reunified Berlin, where he created photo works of the stone metropolis with broad building lines (Berlin, 1997). Later he turned his attention to the multi-layeredness of the image (The Transfigured Night, 2002). International prizes and scholarships made projects abroad possible, including Roma (1999) and China Transition (2003). Between 2004 and 2008, Martin Zeller worked in Hong Kong on The Diagonal Mirror, Space And Time In Photographing Hong Kong. In 2008 the resulting work was published by Kehrer Publishing House, Germany and in the spring of 2009, the Museum of Art in Mannheim, Germany, exhibited his large-scale photo works. From 2008 to 2009 he worked for the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia as editor and artist on Foodscape, A Swiss-Chinese Cultural Encounter. In February 2010 Foodscape won the World Gourmand Food Book Award for Best Chinese Cuisine Book. In 2011 Martin Zeller was invited by the Hong Kong Art Promotion Office to take part in the Community Photographic Campaign at No.12 Oil Street in North Point. Zeller realized a photographic art project on the historic buildings of the former Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. From 2010 to 2012 Zeller worked with Macau artist Sou Vai Keng on The Back Side of the Eye — Reflections on Edvard Munch’s work, painting and photography on rice paper. They have been working on their second collaborative project New Gardens since 2011. 

馬田.施勒1961年生於德國曼海姆,曾於登士達設計學院就讀傳意設計。他的第一件藝術作品《412 - 432》早於1990年獲得歐洲攝影獎。1993年移居統一後的柏林,從事透視廣闊而深遠的石屎大都會攝影創作(1997年的《柏林》)。後來專注於照片畫面的多重層次(2002年的《變形的夜》)。由於取得國際攝影獎項及獎學金,他可於海外完成多項計劃(包括1999年的《羅馬》及2003年的《中國過渡》)。 2004年至2008年間,他在香港實行了《對角鏡子 ﹣香港的時間與空間》的藝術創作項目,並由Kehrer, Heidelberg在2008年將攝影作品出版成書,而大型攝影展則於2009年春在曼海姆藝術博物館舉行。 2008年至2009年期間,馬田.施勒受瑞士文化基金會Pro Helvetia邀請籌辦“食事風景”﹣一個關於飲食文化的中瑞文化交流活動。他也是《食事風景》一書的編輯和藝術創作的參與者,此書曾獲2010年度世界Gourmand食物書之最佳中國烹飪書籍獎項。 2011年馬田.施勒應邀參與香港藝術推廣處舉辦的北角油街12號社區攝影活動。施勒以香港皇家遊艇會舊址為題進行了一個攝影藝術項目。 2010年至2012年,馬田.施勒和澳門藝術家蘇惠琼合作完成宣紙攝影與繪畫的項目:the back side of the eye - Reflections on Edvard Munch. 從2011年至今,二人一直進行第二個合作項目《新花園》。

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